My 2 Cents

Worth more if it makes you think.

Clinton Not Winning On Facebook–Part 2

It seems I am not the only one who has noticed that Hillary is losing in the social media game…and not just kind of.  It’s last inning, and all the former Secretary can do is post hate mail for Trump.

That approach doesn’t even go over well with her supporters, which are very few I might add, and I’m not just talking about her having half the number of Facebook followers that Trump has.  I’m talking about people who actually take the time to comment on her posts or click  Like and Share.

Those people, the ones who actually seem to unfathomably like her and comment, are begging her to talk about her plans, her stand on the issues.  But, instead of issues she discusses things like EpiPens and the Zika virus.  I’m not saying those things are unimportant, but rarely mentioning Major Issues seems to be a consistent problem.

Instead the posts which receive the most attention on her page are things like “Happy National Dog Day”, or “Happy Birthday, Bill” which results in lots of Likes and lewd comments on what she should get him for a birthday present.  The top posts are rarely helpful or stimulate any meaningful discussion about what is wrong with our country and how to fix it.

When she does post about an issue, as she has, since Trump beat her down to Mexico, she still resorts to name calling.  My personal favorite example of how bad it is was posted just today.  The headline reads:  Donald Trump’s Immigration Speech Got Rave Reviews–From All His Biggest Fans, The former leader of the Ku Klux Klan even live tweeted it.

She then posted her ideas about immigration, which represent breaking the laws of the land and pretending they don’t exist.

The kickback she got on that post was over the top.  People were offended at being lobbed into a group that is clearly racist because they actually believe that the United States should be a land that abides by the laws its elected Congress passed.

Here’s the problem, folks, she accuses Donald Trump of this very thing, and yet she incites it daily. That word daily is bolded on purpose.  Has Trump said some stupid things, yes…he has.  He has even admitted it and says he regrets it.

On the other hand, Hillary is never called out on her bad behavior which is constant.  Well, she never gets called out by the media.  But, does she get called out on Facebook?

My, oh, my…if the press only reported on what the American people actually think of her.  They tell her.  They speak.  Some politely.  Some…not so much.

Each day, as I record my log of Facebook posts, Likes and Shares for both candidates, I am struck by one overarching theme.  The tone of each page.

While the media follows the Hillary narrative of Donald Trump is a racist and dark and shadowy and all manner of evil, her page reflects that narrative, not Trump’s.   Every day, on her own page, the bulk of comments posted are not supportive of Hillary Clinton.    Not by a long shot. It is a dark place.  You can visit and see.

August 29th, I decided to do a quick little tally, just for fun.  I recorded five posts beginning from the top of the page and tallied the top 10 comments for each post.  86% percent of the comments on Hillary’s posts were not supportive.

In contrast, the tone of Mr. Trump’s page is what I would call–hopeful.  It is also filled with the work he is already trying to do…every day.  It is also filled with opportunity to hear what he actually said, since he is nearly always misquoted on both Clinton’s Facebook page and in the media.  But, nearly every post is actually related to an issue that will have an impact on America.

Another interesting note, you don’t see many white people on Clinton’s page.  You do see a lot of black people, women, Hispanics, and Muslims.  Their race or background is pointed out.    On Trump’s page…you just see people.  Americans.  Now and then there may be a label…but it’s not often.

Before I end this, there is one other thing I would like to point out.  According to Pew Research, 77% of adult women in the United States who go online  use Facebook on a daily basis.  That’s a lot.  It’s also a demographic that Hillary Clinton is supposed to have nailed down solid…only they are not present on her page.  While it is true supportive post remarks are more often made by women, there just aren’t many of them.

Contrast that with Trump’s page.  I dare you.  There are lots of women who write supportive comments…and men too.  And a wide variety of Americans. See if you agree that the tone is different.

And that is…my cents.



Clinton Not Winning on Facebook — Part 1

I have become convinced that Hillary is not winning this election.  At least not in the usual sense of the word.

Winning fairly is different than just winning.  And she might be doing the latter, but only because of power, not because of the people.

This election, like none other, has been blatantly fixed by the television news networks.  Anyone who denies that…well, we’ll need to talk later.  There isn’t enough room here to have that discussion.

This election has also been skewed by internet companies and search engines. Don’t believe me? Try googling Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and see what shows up.

I read a lot.  I listen to the candidates speeches, in total, for context and I’ve read much of what they have written–their positions and proposals.

Another thing that I do is log Facebook posts.  I do it daily.  Why?  Because not only am I curious about what the candidates and the media are saying, but I’m interested in what the people are saying.  And what they’re saying on Facebook is VERY Clear.

People don’t just dislike Hillary.  They actually hate Hillary.  It’s interesting to me.  This morning I created a log of Hillary’s last 10 Posts.  For each post I tallied the top 25 comments below it, scrolling down the page in the order that they appeared. In the table below I have labeled the Post Topic and then  marked each comment negative, positive or neutral.

The results were consistent with what I have seen since I began logging the first week of July. Here are the results:


Note:  Negative is Against Hillary                        Positive is Pro-Hillary

Date Topic Negative Positive Unknown
13-Aug All Kids Will Have Internet Access by 2020 23 2
13-Aug Podcast Preview 24 1
12-Aug Wilma Rudolph, Olympian 18 7
12-Aug LGBQ Kids Rights 25 0
12-Aug Simone Emanuel, Olympian 16 9
12-Aug Trump has paid 0 in taxes 21 4
12-Aug Just launched podcast 19 6
12-Aug Trump Won’t Release Tax Returns 7 18
12-Aug Hillary Agent of Change – Photo of Bill & Hillary 20 5

Compare these with Donald Trump’s, logged the same days, same system.

TRUMP’S POSTS Negative  Positive  Unknown
13-Aug Trump has not Sold His Soul 0 25
13-Aug End the Clinton Machine 0 25
13-Aug Defeat Clinton and CNN 0 25
12-Aug Thank You, Altoona, PA 0 25
12-Aug Hillary’s Summer Playlist 4 21
12-Aug Thank You, Erie, PA 0 25
12-Aug Hillary Estate Wall 0 25
12-Aug Obama/Clinton Founders of ISIS 5 20
12-Aug Kissimmee, FL Rally 0 25
12-Aug FBI Clinton Foundation 0 25
12-Aug Media squashing Hillary’s negatives 1 24

There are a couple of particularly interesting things I would like to point out, beginning with the Hillary posts.

The LGBQ Kids Rights responses I found very interesting.  Partly because the top comments were 100% Negative on a topic that I would have expected strong support.  She had the strong support of this community when I first began comparing the Trump/Clinton FB pages.  It was before I started tracking, so I can’t tell you the exact numbers, but I do remember that they were impressive.  She marched in the Rainbow Parade in New York and received high praise, and the LGBQ community was definitely part of the Hillary parade too. It was mutual.

So what happened?  Three things which all stem from the Orlando terror attack.  The LGBQ community realized after the attack that they really were a death target for Muslims.  Then reports of the Clinton foundation taking money from Saudi Arabia and other countries hostile to this community surfaced.  Couple that with Hillary Clinton’s immigration policy and…whoosh…a huge portion of LGBQ support is now gone. And that is what people are telling her.  They don’t trust her or believe she has their back.  They believe she would lie to them.

Sometimes when you track these things you see some of the same exact words over and over, cut and paste articles or arguments.  There is some of that.  One of the most fascinating posts that makes me suspicious is the Trump Tax Returns post, August 12th.  It was a video post of conservatives demanding Trump release his tax returns.  It’s one of the only posts that Hillary is actually into positive territory with the tally marks.  But, the remarks were also interesting.

The remarks weren’t cut and paste word for word, but they were topically very similar.  The majority of the remarks on Hillary’s side of the issue connected Donald Trump to The Russians.  I am not kidding.  And when you pair that with the DNC narrative of the Russians were connected to the Wikileaks email scandal, exposing corruption within the DNC, it makes for a very interesting scenario.

It’s especially interesting because there was another posting accusing Trump of paying “0” in taxes, and that post received, again an overwhelmingly negative response. AND there were no comments about Russia.

Overall there is a lot of talk on Hilary’s page about the people’s lack of trust in her. She is called names like liar and old hag.  People want to see her health records, they slam her for getting away with murder, and the email controversy, the Clinton Foundation.  There is virtually no controversy that gets past the people posting on her page.

Moving on to Trump’s posts.  In stark contrast to Clinton’s posts, Trump’s are overwhelmingly positive.  Out of the 10 that I logged this morning, 8 had 100% positive comments.

There are some negatives woven into the fabric of his support. One recurrent theme is asking him to remain on message.  Another, to please speak carefully so that they can convince others to vote for him.  So his words are a concern for people. However, his message is strongly supported.

One of the repeated themes, and not in a verbatim way is the media.  People post what CNN said or NBC and then comment on their support for Trump and their disdain for the media.  They don’t believe the media at all.  They also don’t believe the polls at all.  They point out Trump’s support on social media, not seeing Hillary signs anywhere and seeing Trump signs everywhere.  They also point out the huge attendance at Trump rallies, driving by lines that stretch on for blocks and people being turned away from large venues because there’s no more room  They talk about the contrast of Hillary’s small venues and low turnouts.

So what’s the bottom line?  The bottom line is Facebook users are not buying into the media’s narrative.  They refuse to be sheep.


And today..this is My 2 cents.


50 Republicans and a Letter

Some of you may be disturbed about the report in the press regarding a letter, signed by 50 Republicans denouncing Trump. Some of you may be jumping up and down, thinking this is finally what will break Trump.

Hang on a second.

I spent a little time, late into the night, entering all 50 of these people into a database.  Then I googled them.   All of them.  I read far more than I ever wanted to.  I learned far more than I ever wanted to. And I’m not done yet.  But this is about what I know so far, and it is crazy.

Have you ever heard the term Shadow Government, outside of reading spy novels?  I never thought such a thing really existed.  At least, not until last night.

Do you know what “retired” CIA and FBI guys do after they’re no longer “public servants”.  They get very, very rich.  And do you know how?

Forget Skull and Bones Society although Yale and Harvard graduates are by far the most involved.  This is bigger, because it’s not limited to Skull and Bones.  (If you don’t know what this is, you can google it.)

Ex-CIA, foreign diplomats, FBI investigators join firms who offer services on…investing, negotiating international business ventures, military arms, defense.  Some of them aren’t even hiding behind the facade of a consulting firm.  Some are more blatant than that, and own their own companies that deal in arms or defense contracting.  Can you see where this is going?

Ask yourself…why?  And what does an ex-CIA, foreign diplomat, FBI investigator know about business.  None of them have degrees in business.  None of them.  Many of them have training in strategic international strategy.  It sounds like it should involve the Department of Defense or Central Intelligence Agency, doesn’t it?  And it does involve them…and your money, my money, the world’s money.

It goes even further.  Do you think Senators and Representatives actually write policy concerning our country?  Do you think this is a duty of an elected official?  They don’t write it.  They probably don’t even read it.  They take whatever is recommended by these consulting firms.  Public officials hire people from these consulting firms.  The number of legal advisors in the state department is unfathomable.  And those legal advisors are the people writing public policy.

Out of these 50 Republican foreign officers, nearly all of them belong to at least one, some as many as five of these consulting firms.  George W. Bush, I am sad to say, employed them all, and many worked for his father too.  There were very few on the list who had any association with Ronald Reagan.

We all know that they get rich.  We all know that the amount of money government officials make is not in line with the salary they receive for their service.  So, now you know a little about where that money comes from.

The reason that they hate Trump is not because he is insane, or lacks good judgment, or is incapable of making good decisions.  They know he can.  They know he knows the game.  They know he is not playing.

Another reason they hate Trump is they have been globally strategizing for many years, and along comes this guy who says, “America First”.  Talk about giving these rich folks a heart attack.

Did you know that American president’s assign a President of the “World Bank”.  Look that up.  Ask yourself what it is and if it makes sense that an American would always be President of the World Bank.  And closely connected to this is the International Monetary Fund.  Then ask yourself about the Federal Reserve and what it’s purpose is and how they are all connected.  If you’re curious, look them up.  Plenty to read there.

By the way…this is NOT…and I repeat NOT just a Republican thing.  This is both sides in about exactly the same ratio.  That’s why neither cares who wins the election that much as long as they are a part of the system.

There is so much more that could be said here, discussed in depth, but I don’t want to get so bogged down no one will pay attention.

Here are the names of the organizations these people are a part of.  On the surface, some of them look pretty benign, but start clicking around and you’ll see.  Don’t take my word for it.  Read, then read some more.

*Note — I am not saying definitively that ALL of these are bad.  That’s why I say, read for yourself, draw your own conclusions.

Council on Foreign Relations

Chertoff  Group

Beacon Global Strategies

Millenium Challenge Corporation

Conservation International

Eurasia Group joined forces with Nikko Asset Management

Center for Strategic and International Studies

Sotera Defense Solutions

Eliot Management Group

Washington Institute for Near East Policy

O’Melveny & Myers, LLC

McCain Institute

Akin Gump Law Firm

BAE Systems

MB Long & Associates, PLLC

Rock Creek Global Advisors

Fulbright & Jaworski

German Marshall Fund

Ridge Global

Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

Covington & Burling, LLC

World Bank

Deloitte & Touche Global, LLC


Arnold & Porter Law

World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda

Hill & Company International Consultants

America Abroad Media


Askari Defense & Intelligence, LLC

Stonebridge International

Carnegy Endowment for International Peace

Metis Solutions

Center for Global Devlopment

Alliance Bernstein

Said Holdings Capital

Precursor Group

Temasek Holdings

Global Panel Foundation


….And that’s My Two Cents.



An American Hero

FBI Director, James Comey and Secretary of State,  Hillary Clinton’s email scandal is an interesting topic.  I have been on the fence about what I believe about James Comey.  Until today.

Sometimes it takes me awhile to mull things over.  Politics is sometimes kind of a puzzle, a game, a competition that I enjoy.  But this year…well, everyone knows this year is different.  James Comey knows that too, at least I think so.

People, many people, who appear to be of good character.  People who seem to have a habit of being truth tellers think highly of James Comey.  Republicans are quick to slam him right now, because he did not enforce the rule of law by recommending indictment for Hillary Clinton.

I admit it.  I thought the same…at first. I thought that he opted to cop out.

I thought it because I wondered about his role in the White-water case, where the committee found no criminal wrong doing, but they did release a report that was politically damaging. He also played a huge role in the ousting of Alberto Gonzalez, a Republican appointee.  For other things that are worth noting, check out this Time Magazine article:

Comey’s obviously ambitious.  You don’t get to be the Director of the FBI by being diffident.  So, what makes Comey tick, I wondered?  What motivates him in his decision making process.

I think the answer is…us.  Call me naive, Pollyannaish even, it’s okay.  I can own it.  I think he cares about the people of America. I think he cares about our country, The United States of America. And let’s face it, what FBI guy who is labeled a “straight arrow” doesn’t also want to secretly be a super hero?

By now, we all know the timeline of the week’s events.  First, Loretta Lynch meets “secretly” with Bill Clinton on the tarmac at the Phoenix airport.  Lynch holds a press conference saying she and Bill talked about their grandchildren. Because she got caught, she tries to convince us that we can trust her.  She promises to abide by the recommendation of James Comey.  Whatever that is.  Then, it comes to light that Lynch has been promised to continue in her position as Attorney General, once Hillary is elected.

According to Fox News, July 1st the FBI was livid when they found about the Clinton/Lynch meeting.         (

So what is a good FBI Director to do?  Separate himself from this tangled web? Or tackle the bad guys while he has the chance?  The bad guys have now made themselves vulnerable to attack.  Even the liberal media has to admit that this does not look good .

If Comey waits, everything blows over, public sentiment can change quickly. He knows that even if he recommends that Lynch prosecute the case, that is way down the road.  Loretta Lynch has just shown her hand.  She is in on it. And if Director Comey did recommend prosecution would he be allowed to talk about why? I couldn’t find the answer to this question.  My guess is probably not since it would be a matter pending in federal court at some future date.  He couldn’t taint a Grand Jury by spelling out the points the way he did to us, the people.

In the Senate hearing, Director Comey mentioned that one of the things he looked at in the investigation was the context.  Alright, let’s stop and think about that one.  What is the context?  The context is that this woman, Hillary Clinton, is in the middle of negotiating a deal to walk, even if prosecution is recommended.  The context is, this same woman is seeking the highest office in the land.  The context is, James Comey knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt that this woman is dangerous to our country. The context is, there is no time to lose.  The context is, if he becomes a whistle blower, resigns and tells the truth, the FBI most likely descends into corrupt hands.  That’s a pretty fair summary of the context, which could be expounded upon for pages.

I propose that he knew very well that the fix was in and the only way he could see around it was to expose her now. Vividly. Clearly. Now, while the public was ready to hear it. So, he took a risk on us.  He is counting on us to get it right.  He threw it past Loretta Lynch, took it completely out of her soiled hands and he gave it to us.  He gave it to the highest court in the land, public opinion.  Our vote.  There was no other way for us to know in time what was at stake.

But, thanks to James Comey, now we do. And so, the burden is lifted from his shoulders. He can have peace. He can keep the FBI out of corrupt hands. And we, the people, get to decide the case rather than the corrupt Department of Justice.

If this is true.  If this is the case, then I believe that James Comey is a true American hero.

And that is my two cents worth.




White Church, Black Church & the Dallas Shootings

Let me begin with, in general I think President Obama is a good person. I differ with him on policy issues. If you disagree, that is your choice and not really relevant to where I am going here.

While I understand why he feels the need to stand up for racial injustice, he is rightly and uniquely sensitive to these issues, just as I am to the needs of those with disabilities because of my life experience.

There is something that bothers me though. In his statement today, following the shooting of Dallas police officers last evening, he said that he would be “commenting further once the facts became clear”. While I understand that there was video of the two incidents he commented on yesterday, he did not reserve comment until the facts became clear. We don’t see video leading up to the incidents, either one.

Believe me, I care about social injustice. I have seen it. I lived in the South during the era of desegregation. I have lived through the era of 1970s riots. I have seen a white church around the corner from a black church of the same denomination, separated only by race. My father fought against this. It is not what the Bible teaches at all and is not representative of love and care for all of His children.

My concern is, not that the President speaks on these issues, but that he is not careful in rushing to judgment. He should speak and loudly when injustice occurs and is proven.

But, being passionate about one side and not the other is to me sort of like the white church on one corner and the black church on the other. It is not how we should live as citizens. We should ALL be caring about each other.


And that is my two cents worth.

Polling and Trolling

I’m not a pollster, but I am a troller.  I like checking up on the competition, seeing what they’ve got.  Don’t got is pretty much the case with Hillary Clinton’s facebook page.  Don’t believe me?  Troll it yourself.

On the other hand, Trump supporters…never fear!  Hillary don’t got it.  But, Trump, he does.

Eight million plus followers for Donald Trump vs. four million plus followers for Hillary Clinton.  And according to  Breitbart, half of Hillary’s twitter followers are fake, bought and paid for.

The numbers are so different, it makes it very hard to believe that the poll numbers the media is handing out today could be any where close to accurate.  Hillary leading by 2 points or more?  Hmmm.

The number of Likes she receives is abysmal compared to Donald Trump’s.  I’m not kidding.  Abysmal is the perfect word.  On her own facebook page 62 percent of top comments are Negative.  The most likes for any one positive comment on the page is 2,332 which she received because she marched in the New York City gay rights parade.

Mostly people are reaming Hillary on her own facebook page.

Hillary seems to just plain annoy people with her pandering.  One commenter noted  that she lived in West Virginia where flooding had devastated so many people’s homes and businesses.  On Hillary’s facebook page for days on end. while West Virginia was being destroyed, posts were directed to gay rights stats, graphics pandering for their votes and messages in Spanish.  Not a word to West Virginia.  Why?  Because she already blew it there.  Why waste time with pretending to care?

Caught ya, Hillary.

Trump noticed West Virginia.  And West Virginia noticed Trump.

So, you may be wondering how Donald Trump’s facebook page compares. Out of 75 posts, Donald Trump had one…only one…top negative comment.  He posted that America would be better off if we made our products in America.  The commenter asked why so many of his products were made in China then.  Trump was well defended though, by a loyalist saying that it’s a great example of what’s wrong with our trade agreements.  He makes more money having them made in China, and he’s a business man after all.

The top comment for Trump was from a Brit, encouraging Americans to prove all the pundits and naysayers wrong, just like they did.  This comment received 11, 141 Likes.  Hillary has only one other comment that breaks 2,000 Likes, while Trump has many that are well above that mark.  And they’re positive!  Check for yourself.

What’s MOST INTERESTING to me though, is the Top 10 Posts and their topics.  Take a look. Become a troll. and

trump vs hillary fb


Keep your eye on the cookie jar come election day.

That’s my two cents worth.






Red Shoes, Blue Shoes…It’s About the Shoes

The democrats have once again displayed behavior that makes me never want to be one…again.

I admit it.  I was once a democrat.  It was long ago and far away.

I also admit being a flawed parent.  I did the best I could, imperfect as it was, and have been rewarded with two beautifully imperfect daughters.  Imperfect as my children are, as I am, they were not allowed to throw tantrums without consequence.  I find tantrum throwing appalling, unless a child is two.  Then it is to be expected and immediately corrected.

Today, the democrats decided to take it upon themselves to force a vote in the House of Representatives.  They decided to force it because it is an election year. They decided to force it because they know they can.  They know they can because their party’s previous bad behavior has had no consequences.  Example: Protestors at Trump rallies who commit assault, a violent crime, and go unpunished because it is associated with a “peaceful protest and free speech”.

Whatever you may think of Trump, or protesting,  let’s address this whole matter of assault, because it is relevant.  Let’s say you are in a grocery store parking lot, minding your own business and someone does not like the color of your shoes, so they punch you in the face hard enough to make you bleed and tell you to get rid of those shoes.  Do you obey them?  Or believe they are peaceful?

The democrats are doing exactly that right now.  They don’t like the color of our shoes.  They like their blue Nike high tops and we are wearing red Converse. How dare we?  We better take those off, because if we don’t they are going to force us to.

Ironic, isn’t it?  The anti-bullying party being the bully.

But, it’s not about that, you say.  Shoes have nothing to do with anything.  And you’re right, sort of.  It’s about the poor people who were shot with assault rifles and they just want this violence to end.  That’s what they’re passionate about.  That’s what all those pictures of the victims are for, and people who do not agree with them, need to change their shoes!  They are obviously not compassionate, caring human beings because they have the wrong shoes on.

Wait…wait…wait.  I have a different pair of shoes than you, but I am not dispassionate about all of those who have been hurt.  I just don’t agree that your way solves the problem.  Punch.  My nose is bleeding now.

Both the Republicans have a bill and the Democrats have a bill.  Neither agree with each other, therefore a vote on the floor would accomplish nothing right now.  Not to mention there are rules to be followed in Congress so that bullies don’t get out of hand.  And there is a little pesky thing called the 2nd amendment, which is not about hunting deer or target practice.

2nd Amendment

to the Constitution of the United States of America

A well regulated militia,

being necessary to the the security of a FREE state,

the right of the people to bear arms

shall not be infringed.

“A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.”–George Washington

Do I want to shoot anyone?  Of course not.  I don’t even own a gun.  Do I want anyone to be shot? Of course not.  But, I reserve the right to own whatever weapon I want to protect myself or my family if someone decides that it’s worth taking my life, because they don’t like my shoes.

And if someone is determined to take another person’s life, for whatever reason, they will find a way.  Gun or no gun.  Plane or no plane. Bomb or no bomb.  When they come for me…or you, I want us to have the best defense possible.

And that’s my 2 cents worth.





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